keskiviikko 19. marraskuuta 2014

Star Wars reading

I've been hauling and reading some Star Wars stories for the past few weeks.

Christmas is coming, are you ready? This calendar was just too adorable to pass by.

Strange Allies comic by Ryder Windham (story) and Ben Dewey (art).
I've read parts of the comic before, but I totally missed out the beginning. The main reason I bought it was because Savage Opress appears briefly in it. Man, was I disappointed. There were some imagery I could have lived without. -Cannot unsee- O_O

The Phantom Menace novel by Terry Brooks that also includes a Darth Maul short story End Game by James Luceno. The main reason I bought this paperback version was for the short story about Darth Maul. I'm still only halfway through reading the Phantom Menace story, although I've read it before in Finnish. I didn't remember how tough it is to read an entire book in English.

The Phantom Menace Manga vol. 1 and 2 by Kia Asamiya. Manga makes everything better right? Sadly, not even the Japanese can help making SW Episode 1 that awesome it should have been.

The Wrath of Darth Maul and The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader by Ryder Windham. Absolutely love the covers (and the cover's cover!). No surprises here, I liked Maul's book better than Vader's. I had higher expectations for the Darth Vader book, but it was a little bit of a letdown. 

Empty Darth Maul shampoo bottle, bought online. Right about now, I'm starting to regret that I wasn't interested in Star Wars back when Episode 1 was new. It might just be a bottle,but it still has some gorgeous details.

Miscellaneous Star Wars comics (in Finnish) from -85,-86,-87,-97. Found at a flea market. Haven't read them all yet, but there definitely are a few translation gems here that made me laugh. It's interesting to see how the prices have been yanked up over the years. From -85 to -97 the price has been doubled! Comics nowadays, I don't think the number of pages have changed much, however the number of advertisement has increased to ridiculous levels compared to how it used to be. Isn't that awesome? We're paying more for less actual content!

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