tiistai 4. marraskuuta 2014

Ginga custom pt.3

I didn't mean to take this long time to get it done ^.^'

Without further ado, since Wilson is pretty much the only Collie in the series, he was the obvious choice for the Collie figures I bought. And since had I two figures, that kinda doubles the work amount. I painted them both, because I thought it would be a good opportunity to demonstrate the difference between matte varnish and glossy varnish. Painting Wilson has been by far much harder that the previous two (Bill & Ron), mainly because Wilson doesn't have any black fur, but these yellowish-orangish-brownish colors which all had to be blended. If you want to go all "technical" these are the colors I used to blend colors needed for the different body parts; titanium white, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow, cadmium orange and burnt sienna. I tried my best to get the colors right, but I suppose they could be a little darker. Additional colors were crimson red mixed with white to get pink for the mouth/tongue and burnt umber mixed with black for the eyes/nose.

Those damn eyes were killing me, no matter how many times I tried to get them straight they always turned out so damn DeRpY! oh well...

I didn't bother to take the Wilson twins outside for some nature shots, because the lousy weather. So instead here is the comparison between matte and glossy varnish. I think I've complained before how the acrylic paint has some natural glossiness to it (or at least the ones I am using), so I was happily surprised to notice that matte varnish actually damped some of the natural "shininess" of the paint. I personally prefer the finishing touch of the matte varnish, so that's what I'm going to be using in the future.

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