tiistai 26. kesäkuuta 2018

Moomin candy 2

Previously: http://fantasticpainkiller.blogspot.com/2015/07/moomin-candies.html

I found a bag of Moomin candies I've never seen before! And unlike every other Moomin branded confectionery in Finland this one is not made by Fazer! These candies are from Italy and made by Zaini! I recognize this brand for their chocolate eggs that are sold around easter in stores here in Finland. I never knew they made other candies as well!

It was kind of weird seeing this winter themed illustration on the bag in the middle of  summer, but who cares? I was already sold on the promise of a surprise figure inside! I bought two bags  right away and I think they only cost 1,59€ each, which is much cheaper compared to Fazer's price range.

The jellies (or can I call them marmelade?) come in four flavours, which are: strawberry, orange, cherry, lemon.

My favorite was the cherry and least favorite one the orange (surprise, surprise). Lemon flavour, I think, is a little bit unusual to be found in these type of candy but it wasn't terrible. I'd have preferred the strawberry to have a slightly stronger taste to it, but it was okay. If there wasn't a surprise toy involved, I wouldn't buy this bag just for the jellies. They aren't that good, just "meh" overall.

I was hoping the surprise would be an actual figure instead of some sticker and other kinds of cheap junk they put inside surprise toys these days. And yes, it was a tiny figure, but with my luck I ended up with a double of the same figure, Moominpappa. 

I would really like to get  Little My, Snufkin, Hattifatteners and Moominmamma of course. I wonder why they chose Snork instead of Snorkmaiden who seems to be the more obvious choice.

The figure from the candy bag is really similar to the one I got from the Moomin Christmas calendar, the most noticeable difference is the way the tail is positioned and the material. The calendar figure is made of a slightly softer plastic.

My Moominpappa collection

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