keskiviikko 12. lokakuuta 2016

Crystal T-Rex

I was visiting the first time the  Science Center Heureka's small shop in Helsinki and there I saw these beautiful crystal 3D puzzles for sale. I walked out of the shop without buying anything, but I decided that next time I was visiting Helsinki that I would come back and pick one up. Some time later I did it! I had to decide between getting the T-Rex or a human skull. It's pretty self explanatory which one I ended up buying. I didn't really like the color choices for the skull, either black or clear.  The king of the dinosaurs won in the end because of the more vibrant color and the dynamic pose it had.

After I opened the package, I found this two sided paper describing many other puzzle models available. THERE'S A DARTH VADER!! OMG!! But of course, there was none in the shop's limited selection. Dangit.

"It would be very interesting, challenging to one's mind if it is fixed randomly"
If not downright impossible! I had a hard time putting this together, even with the instructions! As I started putting this Rex together, I was wearing cotton gloves, because I didn't want to have fingerprints all over it.  Bad idea! The puzzle pieces were more slippery than a wet bar of soap in my hands. So the gloves had to come off.

Through steps 4-44 there is nothing holding the pieces together, you just have to carefully balance it like I'm holding it in the picture. BTW, it was not a very good idea trying to take pictures in the midst of building it. I was focusing on the camera, and didn't really pay attention to my other arm which was holding the puzzle upright, I tilted my hand a little bit too much and all the pieces come crashing down! I had to rebuild it once or twice, just for wanting to take a picture. Thank goodness for the plastic screw on step  45! I could finally put my headless T-Rex down!

The last piece...

It is a little disappointing that the arms, legs and tail are so see through. They stand out a bit too much from the rest of the body. Otherwise it's awesome! I like the sculpt and pose, even though the pose might not be scientifically accurate, being too upright and the tail dragging the ground. My pictures are lying about the color too. Seeing it live, it's far more orange-y or almost like bronze in color. (Depends on the genius in charge of the lightening,  I guess.)

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